1. Try to find out and correct the students'
weak points such as pronunciation, usage,
--grammar, intonation, and other
phonetic problems at least 3 times during one
--teaching session.
2. Try to help students recognize the exact
differences of pronouncing the letters
--such as r, l, p, f, v, b, g,
z, w, u, etc. in a word or phrase.
3. If the student is beginner, try to speak
slowly and clearly, and also a little
--loudly. In talking with a communicable
partner, always combine the above
--"slow and clear"
approach with normal speed of your speaking.
4. Tutors are recommended to let the student
talk preferably one half
--of the class time and spend
the other one half for his own talking/lecture.
1. Observe and keep a record of each student's
development status.
2. Being punctual and having a strong sense
of responsibility are the utmost priorities
--for this job as the tutoring
time per day is comparatively short and recurring.
3. complete the working day(for 2/3/4 day
program) and missing day(for the 5 day
--program) report and turn it
in when the pay cut-off day is due.
--for each student, verify student's
re-enrollment intention on his final day and report
--to the company.
4. make up missed classes that are less
than 3 days within reasonable time
--but when missed classes are
more than 3 days and difficult to make up, report
--to the company for adjustment
in the student's final day and your pay calculation
5. when tutor cannot give a lesson on his
cause, he must notify the student
--at least 1 day in advance and
make up within reasonable time
6. tutors are not allowed to use other languages
than English during the phone class
7. when tutor intends to quit the job, he
must give us a 7 day prior notice
are recomended but not necessary for this phone tutoring.
Even if
a textbook is chosen and used, the tutor should lead
the conversation with a variety
of topics preferably for one half of the class time.
Below are the illustrations of topics
that the tutor can choose and may use, but tutors are
recommended to supplement
the topics by internet surfing, etc. |
family relations, current job,
career goal, work experience details, life plan, habit,
preference, education, overseas study, health and exercise,
food, english education
work experience:
1) repeat presentations and expressions item by item, in an
abstract format, in more
--detailed format.
2) products/services, marketing plan/strategy, personnel policy,
--management, corporate strategy,
accounting system, finance/investment, leadership
--problem, human relationship
social issues:
--group negotiation-strike, sabotage,
etc., environment problem-air, water pollution,
--conservation vs development,
world population and its problem, rich vs poor, fashion,
--coeducation, sex social problem,
status of foreign people, life in the 21c, unification
--of Korea, religion and cult,
illegal drugs, internet and computor, AIDS crisis, violence
--on T.V., terrorism, globalizaion,
stress solution, UFOs, superstition, animal rights,
--racism, the role of media,
welfare system, cloning, millenium bug, organ transplant,
--nuclear weapon, human rights,
marriage and divorce, gender equallity, immigration
other social issues:
--Tutors may select other issues
if they are worth debating.
In general
¢Á desired format: face, facial expression, eye focus, eye
contact, clothing, timely arrival,
-- posture, hyperactivity,
nervousness, pausing, speech speed, readiness
¢Á try to clarify the interviewer's concerns
¢Á enthusiastically address the interviewer's concerns
¢Á explain how you can grow in this position
¢Á make sure that the interviewer understand your qualifications
¢Á show how you can use your experiences to benefit the company
traps to be avoided
¢Á trying to answer every question as quickly as possible
¢Á describing student job negatively
¢Á wanting too much too soon
¢Á downplaying internship and parttime job
¢Á apologizing for your age
¢Á appearing surprised to recognize the interviewer's age,
race, sex, face
Questions to be practised
1) Questions about yourself:
¢Á for this kind of questions, try to tell your value, accomplishment,
--that you are well organized,
self-motivated, focused, how well fit into the job, etc
¢Á anticipated questions
--what is your memorable accomplishment?
--how does this position fit
with your long term career-goal ?
--what is your greatest strength?
greatest weakness?
--what key asset can you offer
in this job?
--do you have any hobbies, ouside
interests, participate in any sports?
--would you work with others
or alone?, experience working with teams?
--are you a follower or leader?
--describe your ideal job, describe
the job you are able to do
--what is your definition of
success? of failure?
--how do you describe your success?,
why have you been successful?
--how do you handle stressful
--why should I hire you over
the other candidates?
--describe the process you make
the decision, how do you set goals?
--why did you quit previous job?
--How much time have you invested
in developing yourself?
2) Questions about the job and the
¢Á proving that you understand the job, know the company and
--even if you do not know the
details about products, profitability, position, goal, show
--how you arrived at such conclusion.
¢Á anticipated questions
--what do you know about this
--what do you know about our
--challenges facing the copany,
direction of the company,
--market performance of the new
--why did you apply with this
company?, how will you help our company?
--personal vision, personal mission
statement, vision after 3, 5 years
--what will you do if you are
assigned to local or undesired department?
--how do you think of the gap
between the job and your major?
--describe the respectable senior
3) Questions about skills
¢Á describe your technical/work skill in a organized manner,
once your technical skills
--are established, you should
also sell the adaptability, skill of dealing with other people,
--personality, attitude to communicate,
cooperate in the organization.
¢Á anticipated questions
--what is the most difficult
job problem you have ever faced?
--how good are you at oral presentation?,
how would you rate your writing/verbal skill?
--how do you deal with unexpected
events on the job?
--how do you organize your time?
--why should I hire you?
--what is your experience with
group projects?
--how do you delegate your authority?
4) Qestions about Experiences
¢Á focus your answer on the employer's needs. simply explaining
it does not provide
--appealing to the employer.
show exactly how your accomplishments make you a perfect candidate
for --the job opened
¢Á anticipated questions
--what kind of experience do
you have for this job?
--how do you see the broad responsibility
of the job?
--what are your qualification?
--how do you resolve a tense
situation with coworkers?
--how does your experience match
with our co need?
--how can you prevent the mistake?
ever misjudge the something?
--give a specific example that
you helped coworkers
5) Question about education and training
¢Á focus on updated education and adaptability. applying educatiomal
skills to your job.
--in addition to college and
universities, discuss vocational/technical learning, other
--related trainings
¢Á anticipates questions
--how do you improve yourself
--what do you do to keep up to
date in your job?
--of what value do you place
on the academic degrees?
--how do you think of the on
line training program?
--why did you attend the university?
how did you choose your major?
--how has your education benefited
--how has your education helped
with your current job?
--what specific work related
courses have you taken?
--why didn't you get a better
GPA? does it indicate success in the position?
--extracurricular activities,
leadership positions, preferred and least preferred courses
--have you ever been abroad to
study language or any courses? what's the lesson?
6) other questions
--tell me about the major social
--what kind of programming language
can you command?
--what portal site do you most
frequently visit? why?
--assuming there's a call from
foreign buyer, try talk with him.